Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How I wish I could do this.

Congratulations to Jason's mom, Joyce on her retirement today. She has been a nurse at Columbus Regional Hospital in Columbus, GA for 41 years. She will now be spending time with her grandchildern, cleaning out her house and trying not to murder her husband. HA! HA! We are so proud of her!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Catching up

I'm a little behind on posting as always so here goes...My friend and co-worker Lindsey http://familyoliver.blogspot.com/ had her 1st daughter Nora 4/19/09. She and Jace are now the proud parents of Irish twins. (Luke's 1st birthday is this Wednesday) We went for a visit Sunday and Jason informed me not to get any ideas about having another one any time soon. Nora is so tiny and precious, she didn't even fill out her newborn cloths.

Jason & Nora 4/26/09

While we Ohh & Ahh over Nora, Jacob and Luke enjoyed each other’s company

I walked in Jacob's room the other night to check on him and I found him in the most awkward position. He is rolling all around the floor these days, he hasn't quite gotten his knees under him yet to crawl but we can tell it's coming. My little boy is growing up sooooo fast.

His two front bottom teeth are coming in fast, which means extra drool, diarrhea, and chewing on any and everything he can get close to his mouth, including Mommy and Daddy's fingers, hands and arms. As soon as he will cooperate I will get a picture and post it. He has also discovered Mommy has a head full of hair and pulls on it any chance he gets. His little personality is showing more and more every day. He finds it funny to jump around when we are changing his diaper. He finds it even funnier when we fuss at him to stop or we tell him no. Like I said before, my mom got her wish... I have a feeling Jacob is going to be the kind of kid that while you are telling him he is not allowed to do something he looks you right in the eye and does it any way. I wouldn't change one thing about him!

All dressed for A-Day 2009 ROLL TIDE

We all went shopping this past Saturday: Babies R Us and Target. I'm on the hunt for a swing for the swing set we have outside. Anyway, I had bought one of those shopping cart covers months and months ago and finally got to use it for the 1st time. It only covers the front & back of the buggy so the 1st thing he did was chew on the side where it wasn't covered up. Figures!! He did however enjoyed chewing on all the attachments it comes with. I recommend it to everyone, just get the one that covers the whole buggy. HA! HA!

We also need to wish Jason's dad, Bobby a very Happy Birthday. His Birthday was this past Saturday and though we were not there to celebrate in person we did call and let Jacob sing Happy Birthday. Kidding! We will be going down to Phenix City this weekend to visit and let Jacob sing to him in person. HA! Happy Birthday Bobby!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday update

Drum Roll Please..... We have teeth!! WOOHOO! I periodically check Jacob's mouth for any teeth that may be making an appearance (we have been thinking he was teething for about three months now, he was showing all the signs, drooling, chewing on everything he could get close to his mouth, etc.) so I checked Monday and he is getting two front teeth on the bottom. I just about did the jig in the middle of the living room. Jason thinks I'm crazy! HA! Who would have ever thought I would be so excited about baby teeth...? I still find it so funny how things you never thought would excite you now does because it's your child. A great pair of shoes used to do it for me, now I could care less. Other than Jake's teeth there isn't much to update, Jason and I have been of town every weekend for the last month so this weekend we have done absolutely nothing. Jason cut grass yesterday but that is about it. We are just hanging at the house catching up on Mickey Mouse Club House & Baby Einstein.

And now for you viewing pleasure, below are a couple of pictures of Jacob that were taken a couple of weeks ago. They were taken at my Grandma's, it is Jake's 1st time in the grass. It's great to be able to watch him experience all of his 1st in life. It was finally warm enough to get him outside with no pants and on the ground. He can sit up but he hasn't quite leaned how to keep himself up right yet....

....So he ate it. Poor guy. He is going to kill me one day.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Aunt Pat

My Aunt Pat passed away 4/1/09. She was a daughter to Florance, mother of three great kids Kevin, Tammy and Bobby, grandmother to Donovan and sister to Diane, Andy, Tommy, Ricky, Scotty and aunt to countless nieces and nephews. Pat was diagnosed with breast cancer about 9 years ago, close to her 5 year anniversary she was diagnosed again in her other breast. This last year she has been battling cancer in her brain. She has had countless procedures and it finally took her life.

Pat served in the US Army, had a degree in Horticulture, RN B.S. and was working on her Master. Her priorities in life were her children and her family. Not enough can be said about this women who lived such a short life and gave so much to so many. We will all miss her very much!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to Shane.....

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Shane, Happy Birthday to you! We love you and we'll see you this weekend.

(I would have posted s picture but Jason is doing something with the desktop)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Passing, Birthday, School & New babies

4/2/09 2:08pm
Update: Our family is having visistation friday from 5-7 @ Leak Memory Funeral Home and service @ 10 Saturday morning Leak Memory Chapel followed by burial at Greenwood. Following the burial friends and family will be at Capital Heights United Methodist Church in Montgomery, AL.

I have been very busy this last week. Jason, Jacob and myself were in Montgomery last Thursday and got home Sunday, my Aunt Pat was in the hospital and passed away late last night from cancer. I will be posting more on her after this weekend. Please keep my family and especially her kids Kevin, Tammy & Bobby in your thoughts as we lay her to rest this weekend.

My Mom had a Birthday this past Sunday 3/29. She and I are now the same age...29. HA! Happy Birthday Mom/Granny we love you very much!

Jason started school this week. My little college boy! I'm so proud. He will be going for Network Administrator. (Geek! HA!) As most of you know Jason has been one that was effected by the economy and was laid off from AT&T back in October. He has since looked and looked but of course nothing is available right now so he has made the decision to use his time wisely and go back to school. I'm so proud of him. He is one of the smartest people I know and I know he will do well. Did I happen to mention I'm proud of him?

Also, welcome baby Reese! http://adamandkimplusone.blogspot.com/ Kim and Adam welcomed a happy and might I say healthy Reese Avery Hall 3/27/09 weighing in at 9 Ibs 10 oz. 20.5 in long. Congrats to you guys on your new family!