Friday, May 22, 2009

And we're off...

Jacob has been trying to crawl for a few weeks now. He would get up on all fours and rock back and forth or crawl in reverse a couple of feet. Tuesday he crawled a few feet forward and then on Wednesday he did this...

Once again, he is growing up too fast. And even though this is something all babies eventually do we are so proud of him.

Beach Bum

We had to make an unexpected trip to my Mom's house in Deland, FL this past weekend for reason I really rather not discuss at this time but, while we were there we got some great pictures of Jacob at Daytona Beach. It was his first time at the beach, he was fine until he went face first into the salt water. I would have much rather taken him to the Gulf. I'm a little partial to the Gulf of Mexico because that is were I grew up and any other beach just doesn't compare.Mom (Aka:Granny) and Jacob (notice the Granny tank)

He was okay at 1st and then.....

He was not happy after this

After we got the salt water out of his nose he was fine and enjoyed eating the sand

Daddy & Jacob

Nothing cutier is there? I can't wait to get him to the Gulf.

I will be saying the following over the next umm... 50 years I suspect so forgive me for sounding like a broken record...He is growing up too fast.

Bye for now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How well do you know your better half?

Tomorrow 5/20/09 Jason and I have officially been a couple for three years. It has been a hectic three years, living 3 hours apart, shuffling Ray, getting engaged, Jason moving up here, us moving again 9 months later, lay offs, planning a wedding (oh wait we had a baby instead) and the daily stresses of life. It has been a wild ride but I wouldn't change the out come one bit. It is tuff at times but I love him with all my heart and can not wait to someday be his wife. Happy Anniversary Jason!!

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? World Series of Poker

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Oil & Vinegar

3. What's one food he doesn't like? Guacamole

4. You go out to eat and have a drink what does he order? Coke with no ice or Miller Light

5. Where did he go to high school? Smiths Station (Go Panthers!!)

6. What size shoe does he wear? 10-11

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? plain ol' bologna on white bread

9. What would this person eat every day if he could? Steak or scallops

10. What is his favorite cereal? Pops

11. What would he never wear? Pink or Corduroy

12. What is his favorite sports team? Alabama Football (Roll Tide!!)

13. Who did he vote for? don't ask

14. Who is his best friend? Shane Owens

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Throw old veggies and fruit to the squirrels in the yard. He runs over them with the lawn mower. HA!

16. What is his heritage? Irish. Note the McCoy

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? He's not much of a cake person. That is okay I'll eat it for him.

18. Did he play sports in high school? Football

19. What could he spend hours doing? Playing poker with his buddies

20. What is one unique talent he has? He's freakishly smart

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

He is 8 months old today

Today my little man is 8 months old. He received his 6 month shots today, poor guy. He was not please as you can image, so now we wait and see what kind of side effects he will suffer. Last time he had a fever and was a little....a lot cranky.

*See the blood stain on his sleeve where he got his shot in his arm. He also got a shot in each leg too.

So at 8 months Jacob can sit up on his own but can't pull himself into a sitting position, he can drag himself on the floor, he gets up on all fours and rocks but hasn't crawled forward just yet but he can crawl in reverse (HA), he has two front teeth coming in on the bottom, he weights 19lbs. 9oz., he is eating 2 jars of baby food and about 30oz of formula, he talks all the time, loves to be outside and watch the trees blow in the wind, and he adores his Daddy.

Our lives have changed so much from just 8 months ago. I'm sitting looking at him as I write this with tears in my eyes knowing that one day the enviable will happen, he will grow up and leave us. How sad and happy I'm going to be on that day; sad he is no longer my sweet little boy and proud of the man he will be.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day

I was woke up this morning by the most wonderful husband-to-be and my son who gave me breakfast in bed which included: chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange/mango juice, coffee and mother's day cards. How spoiled am I? It was too much to eat in bed so I moved to the dinning room. I was then given my 1st mother's day gift; a brand new camera and all the accessories. WOOHOO!! Well, technically it isn't my 1st mother's day gift, Jason got me a necklace and a charm with Jacob's initial on it last year, I was about 5 months pregnant at the time. Anyways...I have struggled with our current camera, it is soooo slow and eats batteries like there is no tomorrow so I will be snapping away from here on out.
Jason has become the official pancake maker in our house. They were great!

Jason is not the cook of the family and the below picture is why. HA! But I can deal with the mess if he makes pancakes again. Yummy!

We then spent the afternoon outside in the nice weather swinging the baby in his new swing. I don't think he really cares if he is swinging or not he just likes to look up at the trees and hear the birds sing.

Jason spotted this one

I put on a dress and let me hair down and we went to dinner at Bucca di Beppo in Alpharetta and enjoyed every bite. Jacob behaved perfectly, he is growing up sooo fast. The food was great and there was no more room so we got dessert to go, I didn't look at it until we got home and I was shocked at what I found.

This is NOT a slice of cake, it was HALF the cake. But I think I can manage. Red velvet with butter cream Yum!

Jake on the other hand found his sock (still on his foot) very tasty

Believe it or not this was taken in the bathroom while we waited for the changing station to open up

Jason-Thank you for making my 1st Mother's Day so special. I'm so grateful to have you in my life as my partner and friend. My greatest thanks to you is the fact that you made me a mother in the 1st place. Words can never express the gratitude I have toward you for giving me Jacob.


To my Mom

We have always had a special relationship, we have always been a little closer than most mothers and daughters. On this day, the 1st mothers day we have every spent apart I want to let you know just how much you mean to me and how much I love you. You have always taught me lessons through out my life and now that I'm an adult I get it. But, some of the lessons you taught me growing up I didn't get until I had my own child. I look back now and remember some of the things you would tell me, show me or teach just by your own example of how to be a mom. You may not have even known you were doing it but you were and I'm a better mother because of it. Even though we are so far away from one another I think about you everyday and miss you always. You have been my rock, shoulder to cry on, sounding board, mentor, my safe place, best friend and the greatest mother any daughter could ask for. I love you more than any card or poet could describe. I'll see you soon. Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Jacob's six month check up

Today was Jacob's six month check up with shots, yes he will be 8 months old on the 12th but we had to cancel his 1st appointment when my Aunt Pat passed away. Well, we now have to go back to have his shots because he is too sick to get them. The doctor prescribed him Orapred, breathing treatments with Pulmicort and Albuterd and Benadryl before bed. My poor baby. We go back on Tuesday for a follow up and if he is better he will get his shots then. Other then his sinus and respiratory stuff he is a great baby. He weights 19 lbs 9oz and 27.5 inches long he is in the 50 percentile for both. He is right on track. Jason and I went after his appointment and bought big boy car seats. My little boy is growing up. Tear... He is also starting to try and crawl. He is getting his knees up under him and rocking back and forth. Any day now and we will be chasing him around the house.