*See the blood stain on his sleeve where he got his shot in his arm. He also got a shot in each leg too.

So at 8 months Jacob can sit up on his own but can't pull himself into a sitting position, he can drag himself on the floor, he gets up on all fours and rocks but hasn't crawled forward just yet but he can crawl in reverse (HA), he has two front teeth coming in on the bottom, he weights 19lbs. 9oz., he is eating 2 jars of baby food and about 30oz of formula, he talks all the time, loves to be outside and watch the trees blow in the wind, and he adores his Daddy.

Our lives have changed so much from just 8 months ago. I'm sitting looking at him as I write this with tears in my eyes knowing that one day the enviable will happen, he will grow up and leave us. How sad and happy I'm going to be on that day; sad he is no longer my sweet little boy and proud of the man he will be.
Hey girlie! He's getting cuter everyday! He should be crawling any minute now, we spent lots of time laughing Donovan crawl in reverse, and then he just started going forward! I love you !
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy how time flies. I remember you telling me you were pregnant!!! He's such a cute little man. I do believe he's looking a little like his Mama, too. :) Hope all is well with the Hendrix/McCoy clan.