We had to make an unexpected trip to my Mom's house in Deland, FL this past weekend for reason I really rather not discuss at this time but, while we were there we got some great pictures of Jacob at Daytona Beach. It was his first time at the beach, he was fine until he went face first into the salt water. I would have much rather taken him to the Gulf. I'm a little partial to the Gulf of Mexico because that is were I grew up and any other beach just doesn't compare.
Mom (Aka:Granny) and Jacob (notice the Granny tank)
He was okay at 1st and then.....

He was okay at 1st and then.....

I will be saying the following over the next umm... 50 years I suspect so forgive me for sounding like a broken record...He is growing up too fast.
Bye for now.
Bye for now.

i miss you guys!