It's been too long...So much to catch up on so little time. I was in all day training for the last two weeks in June for a new position I accept back in March. And then we got to July and it has been NON STOP ever since. I will try and catch up as much as possible.
Father's Day-Jason received his Father's Day present a couple of days early since I had no where to hide it. He loved it! We went shopping the day before and got him some cloths that he so desperately needed. Sunday (Father's Day) Jacob and I let Daddy sleep in and we just hung around the house eating boiled peanuts (one of Jason's favorite things to do). I fixed some of his favorites for dinner, Sea Scallops, Shrimp, BBQ Chicken, Corn on the Cobb and Mac n' Cheese. He can be so simple to please sometimes, a tool box and food is all it takes. HA!

Jason unloading his tool box from my car
Now on to July....
We had some friends come to visit the 1st of July and we were excited to have them come up. Shane, Mandy and their kids Kaitlyn and Luke haven't been up since the baby was born. It's not that we don't see them at least once a month already it's just nice to have them come see us every once in a while.
So we left Jacob home with Granny and we ventured out to Six Flags. We had a great time and enjoyed watching Shane hold himself together. If you could have only been there to see Shane react to this ride. We got a great laugh at his expense.
Luke & Kaitlyn
Mandy, Shane & Jason
Friday the 3rd we were headed down to Phenix City for the 4th but on our way out of town we made a quick stop at the Varsity in downtown to see my old boss/friend Julie. Julie and her family had a lay over in ATL on their way back from their vacation in Florida heading home to Wisconsin. Julie has not seen Jacob yet so I was excited for them to meet. It has been to long and I have missed my friend. Tear...HA!
Kathryn and Jake giving Freddie a hard time
Jacob ready for the pool
Now for the best part...The Jacob update-We have 3 maybe 4 teeth on the bottom and 2 teeth on top. I cry every time a new one comes in. He is crawling like mad so Jason and I bought this really great baby gate to keep him out of ALL the rooms he doesn't need to be in i.e the kitchen, dinning room, bathrooms and the stairs. His is quarantined to the living room. It looks like Toys R Us exploded in there.
*Disclaimer: this is not our child in this picture
He is pulling up and "cruising" the couch, I'm glad I have not had our couches re-cover yet Jacob thinks they are a great teether. He took his 1st unassisted step this past Sunday 7/18/09. I cried. I have started mixing his formula bottles with whole milk to get him use to it. He has done great so far, he will go to straight whole milk at 12 months. He is eating more and more adult food now too. We will give him a taste of whatever it is we are eating and he just thinks that is the greatest thing ever. Before we know it he will be eating a whole steak and with those chompers he has already it might be next week. He has bitten all of us and it is not pleasant to say the least. He is talking all the time, babble mostly but he has down pat Dada and knows who Dada is, Dixie (my mom's dog) and has just recently started with Mmmma. I think Jason secretly is at home teaching him how not to say Mama. Just kidding. His little or should I say big personality is showing more and more. This child has an attitude. When he is flustered or mad he will let you know it. My mom's wish came true.
Speaking of my Mom aka: Granny she is earning her keep around the house. She has been such a great help to Jason and myself. Jason and I actually had a date night two weeks ago. We did a little shopping and bought Ray his birthday present, went to a movie and had dinner. When we got home Mom had taken the baby to bed with her so we wouldn't have to get up with him if he woke up. It was great!

Granny reading "The Little Engine That Could"

Just a swingn

Her Beef Wellington was great and then Jake and Granny passed out
She is going to kill me when she sees this picture
On the day of mine and Jason date Mom took both the kids to a local park and then to O'Charles for dinner. They had a great time and were in bed by the time we got home. Perfect ending to our date night. Thanks again Mom!

Ray is also staying the month of July with us. We celebrated his Birthday early because he will be going home on his actual Birthday July 31 and we wanted to give him time to play with his presents. We celebrated it this past weekend so we loaded up and drove up to the Georgia Mountain Fair in Hiawassee. It was a beautiful day (the weather was perfect) we ate, rode rides and checked out the crafts. Jacob even got to ride his 1st fair ride. We came home I made Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner and birthday cake for dessert.

To those who have asked/complained that I haven't made an update in over a month I will try to keep my blog updated. The reason I started this blog was to keep track of our lives so we could look back and remember what we were doing when. I'm sure I have left out a lot of what has happened in the past month so I have slapped my hand and will do my best.
*I started this post 6/29/09 but didn't post it until 7/23/09