Jacob was very fussy last Wednesday night and felt very warm so we took his temp and he had a fever of 103.3. I called the nurse on call and she said the normal...Tylenol, cool was cloth, and H2O. He woke up Thursday morning around 4am with a fever of 103.2 so when the pediatrician's office open I call and made an appointment. The doctor checked his ears, nose and throat and all were clear so they pricked his finger to test his blood which came back with low iron and double his white blood cells. They then wanted to do a cultural and in order to do this they had to draw blood from his arm; after 45 minutes 3 nurses and myself and one blown vein in his left arm they final got enough blood out of my poor screaming babies right arm. He had all but given up laying in my arms like a limp noodle exhausted from screaming as they tried to find a vein. I never ever ever ever want to do that again. Then for just good measure and to make sure they did all they could to inflict all the pain in the world on my helpless sick baby they gave him a shot of Rocephin in his thigh which is thick and painful to receive. My poor child was worn out by the time it was all over. The doctor wanted to see him back the next day to check his white count again. So they pricked his finger again and the results were not what he wanted to see so another shot of Rocephin in his leg and another follow up visit on Saturday. Saturday was a more pleasurable visit, they pricked his finger but no shot was necessary. THANK GOD!! He is much better know and getting back to his normal good mood. I'm still unsure what brought all of this on but I'm so glad it's over with.

To distract Jacob from his fussy mood from feeling bad we bought him his 1st baby pool. This past Sunday Jacob went for a swim, he had a great time splashing round. This weekend we are going to a pool party so he will get a taste of a big pool.

Happy 9 month's my sweet baby boy. We love you very much!!
I also wanted to congratulate Jason on a job well done in school.
All A's!!! I'm so proud of him! He is not taking the summer off either he goes back July 14th. I'm proud of both my boys!!
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