Monday, November 9, 2009

November in the Park

So this past weekend we didn't go or do or see; we stuck close to home and took Jacob to the park. The last time we went to the park I was pregnant with him. We had such a good time, the weather was absolutely perfect cool, sunny and breezy.

He pushed his wagon all over the cute

My lil' baby is growing up much to fast, he will be 14 months on Thursday. Speaking of let's do a where is he now list.

~Jacob has 12 teeth with 4 more coming in
~12 month cloths
~all table food and what ever is on your plate
~Jacob's favorite snack is gold fish, green apples & yogurt
~23 1/2 Ibs
~loves to be outside
~cries when Granny, Daddy or I walk out the front door
~can reach the door knob if he stands on his tip toes
~will walk to his room at night when you ask him if he is ready to go nite nite... (tear)
~Jacob will get his own diaper when we ask him
~Jacob will hand you his cup when he wants more to drink or pat the refrigerator when his cup is in there
~Likes to eat toilet paper when your not looking
~He loves to dance to music videos, radio and even TV commercials
~He tells Dixie she is a good girl
~new words he can say: cracker, bye bye, bite and of course good girl
~tries to make himself burp
~tries to whistle
~gives kisses
~he pats his belly when he is hunger
~Jacob is getting more independent everyday

My boys

October Catch Up

I know, I know...moving along.
A few weeks ago we decided to get out and enjoy the rainy weather that was supposed to be "sunny and cool" says the weather man. I thought they went to school for this stuff? I guess like any woman Mother Nature can always change her mind. Regardless it stopped raining shortly after we got to Stone Mountain for the Highland Games. It was overcast, cold, windy and wet but we still managed to have fun. I have never seen so many men in skirts in one place. The food was, well...English food, the Bag Piping/drumming was very good and the games... I still don't understand the point of throwing a telephone pole as far as you can accomplishes but it's all about the experience right?
After the games we drove over the the Pumpkin Festival in the Park. Jacob loved playing in all the pumpkins. I can't wait until he is old enough to go pick out his own. But for now I just enjoy watching him experience everything for the 1st time.
He needed a break from climbing over all the pumpkins

It was again rainy and cold. Jason and I took the boys over to a friends house to decorate pumpkin cookies and do Halloween crafts. After they were done Mandy and I sat down and did our own little craft project. I think we had more fun then they did. Mandy brought over Fajitas for dinner and we dressed the kids and of course as soon as we were ready to go it started coming down. Jacob was dressed long enough to get a couple of pictures but he was not going out in the rain. He looked so darn cute. Mommy's lil' pumpkin.
We all loaded up in Mandy Explore with the back open and cursed the neighborhood. The kids got to at least get some candy, Jacob got out at one house and got a Hershey bar. (his 1st treat ever)
Shane, Mandy, Luke & Kaitlyn Owens

Halloween was a bust for the kids but Mandy and I enjoyed watching our significant others get all dolled up. I love our friends!!
They had it down to the black knee highs....Sooo freaking funny

Shane, Bobby & Jason