Monday, November 9, 2009

November in the Park

So this past weekend we didn't go or do or see; we stuck close to home and took Jacob to the park. The last time we went to the park I was pregnant with him. We had such a good time, the weather was absolutely perfect cool, sunny and breezy.

He pushed his wagon all over the cute

My lil' baby is growing up much to fast, he will be 14 months on Thursday. Speaking of let's do a where is he now list.

~Jacob has 12 teeth with 4 more coming in
~12 month cloths
~all table food and what ever is on your plate
~Jacob's favorite snack is gold fish, green apples & yogurt
~23 1/2 Ibs
~loves to be outside
~cries when Granny, Daddy or I walk out the front door
~can reach the door knob if he stands on his tip toes
~will walk to his room at night when you ask him if he is ready to go nite nite... (tear)
~Jacob will get his own diaper when we ask him
~Jacob will hand you his cup when he wants more to drink or pat the refrigerator when his cup is in there
~Likes to eat toilet paper when your not looking
~He loves to dance to music videos, radio and even TV commercials
~He tells Dixie she is a good girl
~new words he can say: cracker, bye bye, bite and of course good girl
~tries to make himself burp
~tries to whistle
~gives kisses
~he pats his belly when he is hunger
~Jacob is getting more independent everyday

My boys

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