Not too much has been going on lately, which is odd for us but a welcome change. Jason and I have started a weight lose competition where we weigh in every two weeks and who ever has lost the most weight gets to pick a movie or a fun activity for us to do. We weighed in Friday and we tied so we had to play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who the winner was.
(You'd think we were 12) I threw paper and Jason scissors so Jason won and gets to pick what we do... Help! In order to help me along in this little competition I'm about to take drastic measures...Ladies and Gentleman, I'm quiting my Coke habit. I love Coke it's the best thing since sliced bread. I daydream about Coke sometimes. Demented I know. I do not drink Diet Coke or Coke Zero. You just shouldn't mess with plan ol' Coke, it's such a waste. I have also decided to stop going to any food establishment that has a drive through window. I will miss you Taco Bell and Chick Fil-A. I must do all this to improve my health and to set an example for Jacob. Damn my conscience Aggg...
Speaking of my sweet little boy he had his last bottle on 9/17, I'm so excited about no having to keep up with bottles any more.

Jake's last bottle
He had his 1 year check up last Thursday. I changed pediatricians this go round because I was so very unhappy with the other group. Big long story that I'm not going to go into because it might actually offend people. Anyway....Jacob is right on track for a 1 year old. 23.8 lbs. (40%) length 30.5 (60%) head 18 (25%) We got three Immunization and will need more at 15 months. I know medically why they space shots out but I wish they could invent a shot that was given at birth so we wouldn't have to keep putting them through this mess. So traumatic, it's no wonder kids are afraid of the doctor and eventually have to see a Therapist.

On the way to the doctor
In more fun news, Jacob got his 1st pair of hard sole shoes and he looks so freakin cute. We got them at Babies R Us and I love these little tennis shoes they go with anything and everything. It is sooo hard to find boys shoes that don't have a bunch of odd colors (highlighter yellow or orange) on them or some kind of cartoon character. We got them in dark blue, black and khaki. We also went ahead and bought a size up just because I have such a hard time finding normal looking shoes that don't cost an arm and a leg. Little girls have it made they have so many choices.

Are those not the cutest boots in the world
We also picked up his Halloween costume. He is going to make such a cute little Pumpkin. I just hope it cools down a bit so he can wear it and not get too hot. We will be in Phenix City that weekend and go trick or treating with the Owens family like we did last year. We had a good time last year but Jacob was only a month and a half old so this year should be so much more fun.

His Halloween shirt for the day

His candy bag that his Granny made for him

On a side note this is Jason's 1st attempt at making sushi. He did a good job... I was impressed