So the day started off with waking to find Jacob has pink eye in his right eye. Yippie! I called the pediatrician and they called in some drops. He is such a trooper though, still laughing and smiling through it. Hopefully with the drops we will see some improvement in the next 24 hours. I hope me or Jason do not get it.

I left Jason and my pink eyed baby at home and headed for Target. Granny sent Jacob a Target gift card for his "6th" month birthday.
(BTW Granny, if you are going to be sending him a gift card every six months he expects the amount to increase every time. HA!) So "Granny" bought Jake 5-7 summer outfits, socks, 2 pairs of shoes and some wall decor to hang in his bedroom. Thanks for all the goodies, Granny/Mom!
I did Jake's nursery in classic Winni the Pooh, I figured if or when we have another baby it would work for a girl too just add a few pink extras and presto sugar & spice and everything nice. I have been looking for something to hang on either side of his window for a while now and just couldn't make up my mind so I bought some of those wall decals today and hung them up when I got home. What do you think? I think I like Tiger the best down there at the bottom batting at the dragon flies. Piglet is missing because he is on another wall.
Jason will be going to pick up Ray tomorrow who is out of school next week for spring break and will be spending it with us. We have made no plans as of yet, probably hanging out at the house, you know recession and all. We do however, plan on taking the boys and going to Florida to see my parents and go to Sea World this summer when we get Ray. More to come on that. I will be posting updated pictures of Ray some time next week. It has been a while since most of you have seen him. He is so big now. Love to all!
oh, no - the dreaded pink eye! the drops should take care of it in no time, but YOUR eyes will start to itch just thinking about it. :) hope little jake is much better soon.